Auto Call

Your Own Personal
AI Phone Agent

From a personal assistant to a fully-fledged receptionist, AutoCall has you covered

Receive a phone call from Lucy

Programmable Phone Agents
Automate Tasks Effortlessly

Dynamic Call Routing

Route calls to personnel based on predefined conditions.

Messaging Handling

Take messages and automatically receive emails to the respective department.

Custom Voice Selection

Choose from a curated voice library or personalise with a voice clone.

Proactive Shift Integration

Read Rosters, and automatically fill shifts when someone calls in sick.

A versatile solution for
all industries.

From personal assistants to receptionists, streamline communications across healthcare, real estate, logistics, financial services, alternative data, and small businesses.



Optimise your operations with our AI phone agents, designed to deliver exceptional product service and support around the clock.


Product Service

Optimise your operations with our AI phone agents, designed to deliver exceptional product service and support around the clock.


Appointment Scheduling

Streamline your appointment scheduling with our AI phone agents, ensuring efficient calendar management and timely reminders for optimal client engagement.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you have a question that isn't addressed here, reach out at

What is AutoCall?
AutoCall is a company that provides AI phone agents designed to enhance communication, automate tasks, and improve efficiency for businesses across various industries.
Can AutoCall integrate with my existing systems?
Yes, AutoCall's AI phone agents are designed for seamless integration with your existing CRM, ERP, and other critical business applications.
Is AutoCall suitable for small businesses?
Absolutely. AutoCall's solutions are scalable and customizable, making them ideal for businesses of all sizes, including small enterprises.
What industries can benefit from AutoCall's services?
Any and all industries can benefit from AutoCall's AI phone agents, ensuring versatile and efficient communication solutions for every business need.
How can I get started with AutoCall?
To get started, simply contact us through our website or call our support line. Our team will guide you through the setup process and tailor our solutions to meet your specific needs.
Can AutoCall handle high call volumes?
Yes, AutoCall's infrastructure is designed to manage high call volumes efficiently, ensuring that your business can handle peak times without any disruption. Contact us with more specifics and we will help you out.
What kind of support does AutoCall offer?
AutoCall provides personalised customer support to ensure that your operations run smoothly and any issues are promptly addressed.
Transform your business with our AI phone